VirtuOst Publications

Journal Articles

Review Articles

  1. Keaveny TM, Clarke BL, Cosman F, Orwoll ES, Siris ES, Khosla S, Bouxsein ML. Biomechanical Computed Tomography analysis (BCT) for clinical assessment of osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int, 31(6):1025-48, 2020.
  2. Keaveny TM. Biomechanical computed tomography-noninvasive bone strength analysis using clinical computed tomography scans. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1192:57-65, 2010.

Fracture-Outcome Studies

  1. Johannesdottir F, Allaire B, Kopperdahl DL, Keaveny TM, Sigurdsson S, Bredella MA, Anderson DE, Samelson EJ, Kiel DP, Gudnason VG, Bouxsein ML. Bone density and strength from thoracic and lumbar CT scans both predict incident vertebral fractures independently of fracture location. Osteoporos Int, 32(2):261-9, 2021.
  2. Allaire BT, Lu D, Johannesdottir F, Kopperdahl D, Keaveny TM, Jarraya M, Guermazi A, Bredella MA, Samelson EJ, Kiel DP, Anderson DE, Demissie S, Bouxsein ML. Prediction of incident vertebral fracture using CT-based finite element analysis. Osteoporos Int, 30(2):323-31, 2019.
  3. Adams AL, Fischer H, Kopperdahl DL, Lee DC, Black DM, Bouxsein ML, Fatemi S, Khosla S, Orwoll ES, Siris ES, Keaveny TM. Osteoporosis and hip fracture risk from routine computed tomography scans: The Fracture, Osteoporosis, and CT Utilization Study (FOCUS). J Bone Miner Res, 33(7):1291-301, 2018.
    In the news: AAOS Headline News Now, Becker's Spine Review, Rheumatology News, Rheumatologist, Kaiser Permanente Research
  4. Kopperdahl DL, Aspelund T, Hoffmann PF, Sigurdsson S, Siggeirsdottir K, Harris TB, Gudnason V, Keaveny TM. Assessment of incident spine and hip fractures in women and men using finite element analysis of CT scans. J Bone Miner Res, 29(3):570-80, 2014.
  5. Anderson DE, Demissie S, Allaire BT, Bruno AG, Kopperdahl DL, Keaveny TM, Kiel DP, Bouxsein ML. The associations between QCT-based vertebral bone measurements and prevalent vertebral fractures depend on the spinal locations of both bone measurement and fracture. Osteoporos Int, 25(2):559-66, 2014.
  6. Melton LJ, 3rd, Riggs BL, Keaveny TM, Achenbach SJ, Kopperdahl D, Camp JJ, Rouleau PA, Amin S, Atkinson EJ, Robb RA, Therneau TM, Khosla S. Relation of vertebral deformities to bone density, structure, and strength. J Bone Miner Res, 25(9):1922-30, 2010.
  7. Amin S, Kopperdahl DL, Melton LJ, 3rd, Achenbach SJ, Therneau TM, Riggs BL, Keaveny TM, Khosla S. Association of hip strength estimates by finite-element analysis with fractures in women and men. J Bone Miner Res, 26(7):1593-600, 2011.
  8. Orwoll ES, Marshall LM, Nielson CM, Cummings SR, Lapidus J, Cauley JA, Ensrud K, Lane N, Hoffmann PR, Kopperdahl DL, Keaveny TM. Finite element analysis of the proximal femur and hip fracture risk in older men. J Bone Miner Res, 24(3):475-83, 2009.
  9. Melton LJ, Riggs BL, Keaveny TM, Achenbach SJ, Hoffmann PF, Camp JJ, Rouleau PA, Bouxsein ML, Amin S, Atkinson EJ, Robb RA, Khosla S. Structural determinants of vertebral fracture risk. J Bone Miner Res, 22(12):1885-92, 2007.

Osteoporosis Testing in a Clinical Setting

  1. Lin JK, Hearn CM, Getzen E, Long Q, Lee DC, Keaveny TM, Jayadevappa R, Robinson KW, Wong YN, Maxwell KN, Narayan V, Haas NB, Takvorian SU, Bikle DD, Chiang JM, Khan AN, Rajapakse CS, Morgans AK, Parikh RB. Validation of biomechanical computed tomography for fracture risk classification in metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. Eur Urol Oncol, 7(4):794-803, 2024.
  2. Teng PF, Chiang JM, Schafer AL, Sukerkar PA, Keaveny TM, Bikle D. Prevalence of osteoporosis in older male veterans receiving hip-containing computed tomography scans: opportunistic use of biomechanical computed tomography analysis (BCT). Osteoporos Int, 34(3):551-61, 2023.
  3. Keaveny TM. Letters to the editor. Menopause, 29(4):496-7, 2022.
  4. Izzy M, Addissie BD, Arab JP, Hilscher MB, Cartee A, Lee DC, Lee Y, Fletcher JG, Keaveny TM, Sanchez W. Triple-phase computed tomography may replace dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scan for evaluation of osteoporosis in liver transplant candidates. Liver Transpl, 27(3):341-8, 2021.
  5. Pisu M, Kopperdahl DL, Lewis CE, Saag KG, Keaveny TM. Cost-effectiveness of osteoporosis screening using biomechanical computed tomography for patients with a previous abdominal CT. J Bone Miner Res, 34(7):1229-39, 2019.
    In the news: Endocrinology Advisor, Endocrine Today
  6. Maldonado FJ, Al Bawardy BF, Nehra AK, Lee YS, Bruining DH, Adkins MC, Keaveny TM, Johnson MP, Fidler JL, McCollough CH, Fletcher JG. Findings of CT-derived bone strength assessment in inflammatory bowel disease patients undergoing CT enterography in clinical practice. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 25(6):1072-9, 2019.
  7. Schwaiger BJ, Kopperdahl DL, Nardo L, Facchetti L, Gersing AS, Neumann J, Lee KJ, Keaveny TM, Link TM. Vertebral and femoral bone mineral density and bone strength in prostate cancer patients assessed in phantomless PET/CT examinations. Bone, 101:62-9, 2017.
  8. Tucci JR, Whitford GM, McAlister WH, Novack DV, Mumm S, Keaveny TM, Whyte MP. Skeletal fluorosis due to inhalation abuse of a difluoroethane-containing computer cleaner. J Bone Miner Res, 32(1):188-95, 2017.
  9. Fidler JL, Murthy NS, Khosla S, Clarke BL, Bruining DH, Kopperdahl DL, Lee DC, Keaveny TM. Comprehensive assessment of osteoporosis and bone fragility with CT colonography. Radiology, 278(1):172-80, 2016.
    In the news: Diagnostic Imaging, Health Imaging
  10. Weber NK, Fidler JL, Keaveny TM, Clarke BL, Khosla S, Fletcher JG, Lee DC, Pardi DS, Loftus EV, Jr., Kane SV, Barlow JM, Murthy NS, Becker BD, Bruining DH. Validation of a CT-derived method for osteoporosis screening in IBD patients undergoing contrast-enhanced CT enterography. Am J Gastroenterol, 109(3):401-8, 2014.

Orthopaedics and Spine Surgery

  1. Keaveny TM, Adams AL, Fischer H, Brara HS, Burch S, Guppy KH, Kopperdahl DL. Increased risks of vertebral fracture and reoperation in primary spinal fusion patients who test positive for osteoporosis by Biomechanical Computed Tomography analysis. Spine J, 23(3):412-24, 2023.
  2. Keaveny TM. Letter to the editor concerning "Best practice guidelines for assessment and management of osteoporosis in adult patients undergoing elective spinal reconstruction". Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 47(10):E466-E7, 2022.
  3. Petfield JL, Hayeck GT, Kopperdahl DL, Nesti LJ, Keaveny TM, Hsu JR. Virtual stress testing of fracture stability in soldiers with severely comminuted tibial fractures. J Orthop Res, 35(4):805-11, 2017.
  4. Burch S, Feldstein M, Hoffmann PF, Keaveny TM. Prevalence of poor bone quality in women undergoing spinal fusion using biomechanical-CT analysis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 41(3):246-52, 2016.

Assessment of Therapeutic Treatments

  1. Bilek DB, Laura EF, Waltman N, Mack LR, Smith K, Kelly C, Keaveny TM, Hillstrom D, Griffin M, Yecies L, Jaasma MJ. Benefits of targeted vibration for bone strength and bone density in postmenopausal women with osteopenia: a randomized, sham-controlled trial. JBMR Plus, online ahead of print, 2025.
  2. Keaveny TM, Adams AL, Orwoll ES, Khosla S, Siris ES, McClung MR, Bouxsein ML, Fatemi S, Lee DC, Kopperdahl DL. Osteoporosis treatment prevents hip fracture similarly in both sexes: the FOCUS observational study. J Bone Miner Res, 39(10):1424-33, 2024.
    In the news:, Endocrine Today, Editorial (J Bone Miner Res), Viewpoint (Osteoporos Int), Medscape
  3. Ganapathy A, Nieves JW, Keaveny TM, Cosman F. Effects of four-year cyclic versus two-year daily teriparatide treatment on volumetric bone density and bone strength in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Bone, 167:116618, 2023.
  4. Brown JP, Engelke K, Keaveny TM, Chines A, Chapurlat R, Foldes AJ, Nogues X, Civitelli R, De Villiers T, Massari F, Zerbini CAF, Wang Z, Oates MK, Recknor C, Libanati C. Romosozumab improves lumbar spine bone mass and bone strength parameters relative to alendronate in postmenopausal women: results from the Active-Controlled Fracture Study in Postmenopausal Women With Osteoporosis at High Risk (ARCH) trial. J Bone Miner Res, 36(11):2139-52, 2021.
  5. Cauley JA, Ellenberg SS, Schwartz AV, Ensrud KE, Keaveny TM, Snyder PJ. Effect of testosterone treatment on the trabecular bone score in older men with low serum testosterone. Osteoporos Int, 32(11):2371-5, 2021.
  6. Howe JG, Hill RS, Stroncek JD, Shaul JL, Favell D, Cheng RR, Engelke K, Genant HK, Lee DC, Keaveny TM, Bouxsein ML, Huber B. Treatment of bone loss in proximal femurs of postmenopausal osteoporotic women with AGN1 local osteo-enhancement procedure (LOEP) increases hip bone mineral density and hip strength: a long-term prospective cohort study. Osteoporos Int, 31(5):921-9, 2020.
  7. Snyder PJ, Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Matsumoto AM, Stephens-Shields AJ, Cauley JA, Gill TM, Barrett-Connor E, Swerdloff RS, Wang C, Ensrud KE, Lewis CE, Farrar JT, Cella D, Rosen RC, Pahor M, Crandall JP, Molitch ME, Resnick SM, Budoff M, Mohler ER, 3rd, Wenger NK, Cohen HJ, Schrier S, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl D, Lee D, Cifelli D, Ellenberg SS. Lessons from the Testosterone Trials. Endocr Rev, 39(3):369-86, 2018.
  8. Langdahl BL, Libanati C, Crittenden DB, Bolognese MA, Brown JP, Daizadeh NS, Dokoupilova E, Engelke K, Finkelstein JS, Genant HK, Goemaere S, Hyldstrup L, Jodar-Gimeno E, Keaveny TM, Kendler D, Lakatos P, Maddox J, Malouf J, Massari FE, Molina JF, Ulla MR, Grauer A. Romosozumab (sclerostin monoclonal antibody) versus teriparatide in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis transitioning from oral bisphosphonate therapy: a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet, 390(10102):1585-94, 2017.
  9. Keaveny TM, Crittenden DB, Bolognese MA, Genant HK, Engelke K, Oliveri B, Brown JP, Langdahl BL, Yan C, Grauer A, Libanati C. Greater gains in spine and hip strength for romosozumab compared to teriparatide in postmenopausal women with low bone mass. J Bone Miner Res, 32(9):1956-62, 2017.
  10. Snyder PJ, Kopperdahl DL, Stephens-Shields AJ, Ellenberg SS, Cauley JA, Ensrud KE, Lewis CE, Barrett-Connor E, Schwartz AV, Lee DC, Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Gill TM, Matsumoto AM, Swerdloff RS, Basaria S, Diem SJ, Wang C, Hou X, Cifelli D, Dougar D, Zeldow B, Bauer DC, Keaveny TM. Effect of testosterone treatment on volumetric bone density and strength in older men with low testosterone: A controlled clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med, 177(4):471-9, 2017.
    In the news: Rheumatology Advisor
  11. Lee DC, Varela A, Kostenuik PJ, Ominsky MS, Keaveny TM. Finite element analysis of denosumab treatment effects on vertebral strength in ovariectomized cynomolgus monkeys. J Bone Miner Res, 31(8):1586-95, 2016.
  12. Martin EN, Haney EM, Shannon J, Cauley JA, Ensrud KE, Keaveny TM, Zmuda JM, Orwoll ES, Harrison SL, Marshall LM. Femoral volumetric bone density, geometry, and strength in relation to 25-hydroxy vitamin D in older men. J Bone Miner Res, 30(3):562-9, 2015.
  13. Kleerekoper M, Greenspan SL, Lewiecki EM, Miller PD, Kendler DL, Maricic M, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl DL, Ruff VA, Wan X, Janos B, Krohn K. Assessing the effects of teriparatide treatment on bone mineral density, bone microarchitecture, and bone strength. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 96(11):e90, 2014.
  14. Snyder PJ, Ellenberg SS, Cunningham GR, Matsumoto AM, Bhasin S, Barrett-Connor E, Gill TM, Farrar JT, Cella D, Rosen RC, Resnick SM, Swerdloff RS, Cauley JA, Cifelli D, Fluharty L, Pahor M, Ensrud KE, Lewis CE, Molitch ME, Crandall JP, Wang C, Budoff MJ, Wenger NK, Mohler ER, 3rd, Bild DE, Cook NL, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl DL, Lee D, Schwartz AV, Storer TW, Ershler WB, Roy CN, Raffel LJ, Romashkan S, Hadley E. The Testosterone Trials: Seven coordinated trials of testosterone treatment in elderly men. Clin Trials, 11(3):362-75, 2014.
  15. Orwoll ES, Shapiro J, Veith S, Wang Y, Lapidus J, Vanek C, Reeder JL, Keaveny TM, Lee DC, Mullins MA, Nagamani SC, Lee B. Evaluation of teriparatide treatment in adults with osteogenesis imperfecta. J Clin Invest, 124(2):491-8, 2014.
    In the news: Medical News Today
  16. Keaveny TM, McClung MR, Genant HK, Zanchetta JR, Kendler D, Brown JP, Goemaere S, Recknor C, Brandi ML, Eastell R, Kopperdahl DL, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Radcliffe HS, Libanati C. Femoral and vertebral strength improvements in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated with denosumab. J Bone Miner Res, 29(1):158-65, 2014.
  17. Cosman F, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl D, Wermers RA, Wan X, Krohn KD, Krege JH. Hip and spine strength effects of adding versus switching to teriparatide in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated with prior alendronate or raloxifene. J Bone Miner Res, 28(6):1328-36, 2013.
  18. Brixen K, Chapurlat R, Cheung AM, Keaveny TM, Fuerst T, Engelke K, Recker R, Dardzinski B, Verbruggen N, Ather S, Rosenberg E, de Papp AE. Bone density, turnover, and estimated strength in postmenopausal women treated with odanacatib: a randomized trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 98(2):571-80, 2013.
  19. Keaveny TM, McClung MR, Wan X, Kopperdahl DL, Mitlak BH, Krohn K. Femoral strength in osteoporotic women treated with teriparatide or alendronate. Bone, 50(1):165-70, 2012.
  20. Lewiecki EM, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl DL, Genant HK, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Kivitz A, Davies RY, Fitzpatrick LA. Once-monthly oral Ibandronate improves biomechanical determinants of bone strength in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 94(1):171-80, 2009.
  21. Keaveny TM, Hoffmann PF, Singh M, Palermo L, Bilezikian JP, Greenspan SL, Black DM. Femoral bone strength and its relation to cortical and trabecular changes after treatment with PTH, alendronate, and their combination as assessed by finite element analysis of quantitative CT scans. J Bone Miner Res, 23(12):1974-82, 2008.
  22. Mawatari T, Miura H, Hamai S, Shuto T, Nakashima Y, Okazaki K, Kinukawa N, Sakai S, Hoffmann PF, Iwamoto Y, Keaveny TM. Vertebral strength changes in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with alendronate, as assessed by finite element analysis of clinical computed tomography scans: a prospective randomized clinical trial. Arthritis Rheum, 58(11):3340-9, 2008.
  23. Keaveny TM, Donley DW, Hoffmann PF, Mitlak BH, Glass EV, San Martin JA. Effects of teriparatide and alendronate on vertebral strength as assessed by finite element modeling of QCT scans in women with osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res, 22(1):149-57, 2007.

Basic Science

  1. Tan S, Bagheri H, Lee D, Shafiei A, Keaveny TM, Yao L, Ward MM. Vertebral bone mineral density, vertebral strength, and syndesmophyte growth in ankylosing spondylitis: the importance of bridging. Arthritis Rheumatol, 74(8):1352-62, 2022.
  2. Orwig DL, Kopperdahl D, Keaveny T, Magaziner J, Hochberg M. Change in vertebral strength and bone mineral density in men and women over the year post-hip fracture: a subgroup analysis. Arch Osteoporos, 16(1):37, 2021.
  3. Hong N, Lee DC, Khosla S, Keaveny TM, Rhee Y. Comparison of vertebral and femoral strength between White and Asian adults using finite element analysis of computed tomography scans. J Bone Miner Res, 35(12):2345-54, 2020.
  4. Burkhart K, Allaire B, Anderson DE, Lee D, Keaveny TM, Bouxsein ML. Effects of long-duration spaceflight on vertebral strength and risk of spine fracture. J Bone Miner Res, 35(2):269-76, 2020.
  5. Lee DC, Hoffmann PF, Kopperdahl DL, Keaveny TM. Phantomless calibration of CT scans for measurement of BMD and bone strength-Inter-operator reanalysis precision. Bone, 103:325-33, 2017.
  6. Johannesdottir F, Thrall E, Muller J, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl DL, Bouxsein ML. Comparison of non-invasive assessments of strength of the proximal femur. Bone, 105:93-102, 2017.
  7. Shen J, Nielson CM, Marshall LM, Lee DC, Keaveny TM, Orwoll ES. The association between BMI and QCT-derived proximal hip structure and strength in older men: a cross-sectional study. J Bone Miner Res, 30(7):1301-8, 2015.
  8. Danielson ME, Beck TJ, Karlamangla AS, Greendale GA, Atkinson EJ, Lian Y, Khaled AS, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl D, Ruppert K, Greenspan S, Vuga M, Cauley JA. A comparison of DXA and CT based methods for estimating the strength of the femoral neck in post-menopausal women. Osteoporos Int, 24(4):1379-88, 2013.
  9. Srinivasan B, Kopperdahl DL, Amin S, Atkinson EJ, Camp J, Robb RA, Riggs BL, Orwoll ES, Melton LJ, 3rd, Keaveny TM, Khosla S. Relationship of femoral neck areal bone mineral density to volumetric bone mineral density, bone size, and femoral strength in men and women. Osteoporos Int, 23(1):155-62, 2012.
  10. Christiansen BA, Kopperdahl DL, Kiel DP, Keaveny TM, Bouxsein ML. Mechanical contributions of the cortical and trabecular compartments contribute to differences in age-related changes in vertebral body strength in men and women assessed by QCT-based finite element analysis. J Bone Miner Res, 26(5):974-83, 2011.
  11. Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl DL, Melton LJ, 3rd, Hoffmann PF, Amin S, Riggs BL, Khosla S. Age-dependence of femoral strength in white women and men. J Bone Miner Res, 25(5):994-1001, 2010.
  12. Keaveny TM, Bouxsein ML. Theoretical implications of the biomechanical fracture threshold. J Bone Miner Res, 23(10):1541-7, 2008.

Related Publications

  1. Huber FA, Singhal V, Tuli S, Stanford FC, Carmine B, Bouxsein ML, Misra M, Bredella MA. Biomechanical CT to assess bone after sleeve gastrectomy in adolescents with obesity: A prospective longitudinal study. J Bone Miner Res, 38(7):933-42, 2023.
    In the news: EurekAlert!
  2. Huber FA, Singhal V, Tuli S, Becetti I, López López AP, Bouxsein ML, Misra M, Bredella MA. Two-year skeletal effects of sleeve gastrectomy in adolescents with obesity assessed with quantitative CT and MR spectroscopy. Radiology, 307(5):e223256, 2023.
    In the news: Radiology Editorial, EurekAlert!
  3. Bouxsein ML, Zysset P, Gluer CC, McClung M, Biver E, Pierroz DD, Ferrari SL. Perspectives on the non-invasive evaluation of femoral strength in the assessment of hip fracture risk. Osteoporos Int, 31(3):393-408, 2020.
    In the news: International Osteoporosis Foundation, EurekAlert!
  4. Johannesdottir F, Allaire B, Bouxsein ML. Fracture prediction by computed tomography and finite element analysis: Current and future perspectives. Curr Osteoporos Rep, 16(4):411-22, 2018.
  5. Young WJ. Assessment of bone strength in vivo in humans: a novel diagnostic tool for osteoporosis. Endocrinology Update, 11(1):1-3, 2016.
    In the news: Mayo Clinic
  6. Zysset P, Qin L, Lang T, Khosla S, Leslie WD, Shepherd JA, Schousboe JT, Engelke K. Clinical use of quantitative computed tomography-based finite element analysis of the hip and spine in the management of osteoporosis in adults: The 2015 ISCD official positions-part II. J Clin Densitom, 18(3):359-92, 2015.


Conference Proceedings

  1. Bilek L, Flores L, Waltman N, Mack L, Hillstrom D, Yecies L, Smith K, Griffin M, Jaasma MJ. OsteoboostTM Is effective in preserving bone strength and density of the spine in women with low bone mass. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SAT-430; Vancouver, BC; Oct 13-16, 2023.
  2. Emerzian S, Lee DC, Johannesdottir F, Wu I, Gauthier J, Jangolla S, Yu MG, Shah H, King G, Keaveny TM, Engelke K, Yi E, Bouxsein M. Older women with longstanding type 1 diabetes have lower femoral strength and region-specific deficits in trabecular bone mineral density of the femoral neck. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SAT-558; Vancouver, BC; Oct 13-16, 2023.
  3. Keaveny TM, Lee DC, Orwoll E, Khosla S, McClung M, Siris E, Bouxsein M, Adams A, Kopperdahl D. Efficacy of osteoporosis drug treatment for reducing risk of hip fracture is the same in women and men. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1056; Vancouver, BC; Oct 13-16, 2023.
  4. Keaveny TM, Lee DC, Bouxsein M, Orwoll E, Khosla S, McClung M, Siris E, Kopperdahl D, Adams A. Improved real-world prediction of hip fracture using CT-based measurements of bone, muscle, and soft tissue in women and men. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1129; Vancouver, BC; Oct 13-16, 2023.
  5. Keaveny TM, Oates M, Betah D, Shi Y, Timoshanko J, Zygourakis C, Bydon M, Krohn K, Ishikawa K. Assessment of romosozumab treatment on spine bone strength using biomechanical computed tomography virtual stress tests. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1008; Vancouver, BC; Oct 13-16, 2023.
  6. Mawatari J, Mawatari T, Lee DC, Baba S, Hagio S, Kawano K, Sueda R, Harada S, Nakashima Y, Keaveny TM. Establishing Japanese osteoporosis equivalent vertebral strength using biomechanical CT (E-JOS vertebral study). Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SUN-397; Vancouver, BC; Oct 13-16, 2023.
  7. Mawatari T, Baba S, Lee DC, Hagio S, Kawano K, Sueda R, Harada S, Mawatari J, Nakashima Y, Keaveny TM. Establishing Japanese osteoporosis equivalent femoral strength using biomechanical CT (E-JOS femoral study). Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SAT-394; Vancouver, BC; Oct 13-16, 2023.
  8. Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G, De Cunto C, Hsiao E, Keen R, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan FS. Health assessments of normotopic bone in individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SAT-509; Vancouver, BC; Oct 13-16, 2023.
  9. Keaveny TM, Adams AL, Fischer H, Brara HS, Burch S, Guppy KH, Kopperdahl DL. Increased risk of vertebral fracture and reoperation in spinal-fusion patients who have osteoporosis by BCT. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 85; Austin, TX; Sept 9-12, 2022. [J Bone Miner Res, 38, 2022]
  10. Keaveny TM, Lee DC, Fischer H, Adams AL, Kopperdahl DL. Identifying patients at high risk of hip fracture — combining CT-based vertebral fracture assessment and biomechanical computed tomography analysis. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# P-484; Virtual Event; Sept 11-15, 2020. [J Bone Miner Res, 35:197, 2020]
  11. Izzy M, Fletcher J, Addissie B, Arab J, Cartee A, Hilscher M, Lee D, Lee Y, Moen Y, Keaveny T, Sanchez WC. Triple phase CT may replace DXA scan for evaluation of osteoporosis in liver transplant candidates. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases; Abstract# 0425; Boston, MA; Nov 8-12, 2019. [Hepatology, 70:269A, 2019]
  12. Hong N, Lee D, T. K, Rhee Y. Sex-related body habitus effect on relationship between DXA- and CT-based hip areal BMD in Koreans. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 610; Orlando, FL; Sept 20-23, 2019. [J Bone Miner Res, 34:243, 2019]
  13. Lee DC, Hong N, Khosla S, Rhee Y, Keaveny TM. Prevalence of spinal osteoporosis in women and men considering both bone strength and volumetric BMD — A comparison of Caucasians (in the United States) and Koreans (in Korea). Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 598; Orlando, FL; Sept 20-23, 2019. [J Bone Miner Res, 34:100, 2019]
  14. Adams AL, Fischer H, Kopperdahl DL, Lee DC, Keaveny TM. Fall risk is a predictor of fracture independent of bone mineral density and bone strength: Results from the FOCUS study. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# MO0782; Montreal, QB; Sept 28-Oct 1, 2018. [J Bone Miner Res, 33:390, 2018]
  15. Adams AL, Fischer H, Kopperdahl DL, Lee DC, Black DM, Bouxsein ML, Fatemi S, Khosla S, Orwoll ES, Siris ES, Keaveny TM. The fracture, osteoporosis, and CT utilization study (FOCUS) — Utilizing pre-existing CT to assess risk of hip fracture in a large real-world clinical setting. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1155; Denver, CO; Sept 8-11, 2017. [J Bone Miner Res, 32:S52, 2017]
  16. Bouxsein ML, Keaveny TM, Lee DC, Khosla S, de Papp A, Eastell R, Lui LY, Bauer DC, Black DM. Relationship between femoral strength from QCT-based finite element analysis and femoral BMD before and after treatment: An analysis from the FNIH bone quality project. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1158; Denver, CO; Sept 8-11, 2017. [J Bone Miner Res, 32:S53, 2017]
  17. Keaveny TM, Lee DC, Favell D, Hill R, Howe J, Huber B, Bouxsein ML. FEA-estimated proximal femur strength increases through 5-7 year follow-up in osteoporotic women treated with a local osteo-enhancement procedure involving injection of a resorbable, triphasic calcium-based implant material. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1036; Denver, CO; Sept 8-11, 2017. [J Bone Miner Res, 32:S11, 2017]
  18. Pisu M, Kopperdahl DL, Lewis CE, Saddekni MB, Saag KG, Keaveny TM. Cost-effectiveness of a program to identify patients at high risk of hip fracture utilizing pre-existing CT scans in managed-care systems. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# FR0220; Denver, CO; Sept 8-11, 2017. [J Bone Miner Res, 32:S93, 2017]
  19. Hossein M, Burkhart K, B. A, Lu D, Demissie S, Kopperdahl D, Keaveny TM, Samelson EJ, Kiel DP, Anderson DE, Bouxsein ML. Patient-specific musculoskeletal model of the spine: implication for prediction of incident vertebral fractures. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1021; Atlanta, GA; Sept 16-19, 2016. [J Bone Miner Res, 31:S7, 2016]
  20. Shen J, Marshall LM, Nielson CM, Lee DC, Keaveny TM, Lapidus J, Black DM, Cauley JA, Kwok A, Kwok T, Schousboe JT, Orwoll ES. Comparison of vertebral density, structure, strength, and fracture rate between Hong Kong Chinese and US Caucasian older men. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SA0287; Seattle, WA; Oct 9-12, 2015. [J Bone Miner Res, 30:S167, 2015]
  21. Orwig DL, Kopperdahl DL, Keaveny TM, Johnson R, Magaziner J, Hochberg M. Decline in vertebral strength and bone mineral density in men and women over the year post hip fracture. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SA0267; Seattle, WA; Oct 9-12, 2015. [J Bone Miner Res, 30:S160, 2015]
  22. Langdahl B, DeVilliers T, Keaveny T, Engelke K, Genant H, Ather S, Giezek H, Lombardi A, Leung A, de Papp A. Effect of odanacatib on bone density and estimated bone strength in postmenopausal women: a CT-based sub-study of the phase 3 long-term odanacatib fracture trial (LOFT). Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1056; Seattle, WA; Oct 9-12, 2015. [J Bone Miner Res, 30:S18, 2015]
  23. Lee D, Hoffmann P, Lee K, Kopperdahl D, Keaveny T. Inter-operator precision and monitoring time intervals for bone strength and BMD as measured from CT Scans — a comparison of phantom and phantomless calibrations. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SU0262; Seattle, WA; Oct 9-12, 2015. [J Bone Miner Res, 30:S276, 2015]
  24. Keaveny T, Crittenden DB, Bolognese MA, Genant H, Engelke K, Oliveri B, Brown JP, Langdahl B, Yang YC, Grauer A, Libanati C. Romosozumab improves strength at the lumbar spine and hip in postmenopausal women with low bone mass compared with teriparatide. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1143; Seattle, WA; Oct 9-12, 2015. [J Bone Miner Res, 30:S48, 2015]
  25. Keaveny TM, Lee K. Virtual stress testing of pedicle screws in a large sample of women using patient-specific finite element analysis. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society; Abstract# 1540; Las Vegas, NV; Mar 28-31, 2015.
  26. Lee DC, Hoffmann PF, Varela A, Kostenuik PJ, Ominsky MS, Keaveny TM. Finite element analysis accurately reflects the improvements in vertebral strength with denosumab in ovariectomized cynomolgus monkeys. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SU0026; Houston, TX; Sep 12-15, 2014. [J Bone Miner Res, 29:S217, 2014]
  27. Genant HK, Keaveny TM, Zapalowski C, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Kendler DL, Recknor C, Boonen S, Wang A, Dakin P, Libanati C, McClung MR. The effects of denosumab on cortical bone parameters at the hip and their clinical relevance in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis aged < 75 and >= 75 years. Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting; Abstract# FP17; Melbourne, Australia; May 28-30, 2014. [Australas J Ageing, 33:S59, 2014]
  28. Huber BM, Bouxsein ML, Keaveny TM, Howe JG. Substantial increases in femoral BMD and strength in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis after a local osteo-enhancement procedure. World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases; Abstract# P461; Seville, Spain; Apr 2-5, 2014. [Osteoporos Int, 25:S327, 2014]
  29. Genant HK, Keaveny TM, Zapalowski C, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Kendler DL, Recknor C, Boonen S, Wang A, Dakin P, Libanati C, McClung MR. Clinical relevance of changes in hip cortical bone parameters in response to denosumab (dmab) vs. placebo (pbo) in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis aged < 75 and >= 75 years old. World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases; Abstract# P135; Seville, Spain; Apr 2-5, 2014. [Osteoporos Int, 25:S175, 2014]
  30. Petfield JL, Kluk M, Shin E, Bharmal H, Hoffmann PF, Keaveny TM, Gordon WT, Jackson W, Hsu J, Kopperdahl DL, Nesti LJ, Hayeck GH. Assessment of regenerating bone using biomechanical computed tomography. Annual Meeting of the Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons; Abstract# 0825-0830; Vail, CO; Dec 9-13, 2013.
  31. Burnham JM, Zemel BS, Lee DC, Keaveny TM, Leonard MB. Structural determinants of low vertebral strength in pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus. Annual Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology & Annual Meeting of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals; Abstract# 1785; San Diego, CA; Oct 25-30, 2013. [Arthritis Rheumatol, 65:S760, 2013]
  32. Weber N, Fidler J, Clarke B, Khosla S, Fletcher J, Keaveny T, Lee D, Pardi D, Loftus E, Kane S, Barlow J, Bruining D. Intestinal wall remodeling on CT enterography may not predict improved bone health. Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology; San Diego, CA; Oct 11-16, 2013. [Am J Gastroenterol, 108:S518, 2013]
  33. Keaveny T, Myers S, Chiang A, Alam J, Robins D, Krege J, Sipos A, Mitlak B, Benson C. Effects of blosozumab on estimated spine and hip strength in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density: finite element analysis of a phase-II dosing study. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1023; Baltimore, MD; Oct 4-7, 2013. [J Bone Miner Res, 28:S9, 2013]
  34. Genant HK, Keaveny TM, Zapalowski C, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Kendler DL, Recknor C, Boonen S, Wang A, Dakin P, Libanati C, McClung MR. Cortical bone parameters at the hip in response to denosumab vs placebo and the clinical relevance of these changes in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis <75 and >= 75 years old. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SA0400; Baltimore, MD; Oct 4-7, 2013. [J Bone Miner Res, 28:S180, 2013]
  35. Petfield JL, Kluk M, Shin E, Bharmal H, Hoffmann PF, Keaveny TM, Gordon WT, Jackson W, Hsu J, Nesti LJ, Hayeck GH. Virtual stress testing of regenerating bone in tibia fractures. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society; New York, NY; Jul 19-20, 2013.
  36. Weber NK, Fidler JL, Clarke BL, Khosla S, Fletcher JG, Keaveny TM, Lee DC, Pardi DS, Loftus EV, Kane SV, Barlow JM, Murthy NS, Becker BD, Bruining DH. A novel means of assessing bone mineral density and bone strength in patients with inflammatory bowel disease undergoing CT enterography. Digestive Disease Week; Abstract# 475; Orlando, FL; May 18-21, 2013. [Gastroenterology, 144:S86, 2013]
  37. Fidler J, Keaveny T, Murthy N, Lee D, Khosla S, Clarke B, Kopperdahl D, Bruining D. Comprehensive osteoporosis assessment for the hip using ancillary CTC. Radiological Society of North America; Abstract# SSJ08-03; Chicago, IL; Nov 25-30, 2012.
  38. Shen J, Nielson CM, Marshall LM, Lee DC, Keaveny TM, Orwoll ES. BMI-associated increases in proximal femoral volumetric BMD, size and strength are not sufficient to compensate for increased fall forces in obese older men. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# FR0343; Minneapolis, MN; Oct 12-15, 2012. [J Bone Miner Res, 27:S114, 2012]
  39. Orwoll E, Veith S, Wang Y, Lapidus J, Keaveny T, Lee D, Nagamani S, Shapiro J, Lee B. Teriparatide improves BMD and bone strength in adults with osteogenesis imperfecta: a randomized, blinded, placebo controlled trial. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SU0159; Minneapolis, MN; Oct 12-15, 2012. [J Bone Miner Res, 27:S261, 2012]
  40. Keaveny T, Brixen K, Chapurlat R, Cheung A, Fuerst T, Dardzinski B, Verbruggen N, Ather S, Rosenberg E, De Papp A. Odanacatib improved estimated femoral strength in postmenopausal women - results of a 2-year placebo-controlled trial. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# FR0392; Minneapolis, MN; Oct 12-15, 2012. [J Bone Miner Res, 27:S122, 2012]
  41. Cosman F, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl D, Wermers RA, Wan X, Krohn KD, Krege JH. Hip and spine effects of adding vs. switching to teriparatide in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis on prior alendronate or raloxifene. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1100; Minneapolis, MN; Oct 12-15, 2012. [J Bone Miner Res, 27:S33, 2012]
  42. Bouxsein M, Louie-Gao Q, Bruno A, Allaire B, Anderson D, Kiel D, Demissie S, Keaveny T, Kopperdahl D. Association of prevalent vertebral fractures with bone density and strength at the thoracic and lumbar spine in men and women. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# MO0045; Minneapolis, MN; Oct 12-15, 2012. [J Bone Miner Res, 27:S359, 2012]
  43. Brixen K, Chapurlat R, Cheung A, Keaveny TM, Fuerst T, Verbruggen N, Dardzinski B, Ather S, Rosenberg E, de Papp AE. Imaging and finite element analysis of the spine and hip following 2 years of treatment with odanacatib in postmenopausal women. European Congress of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis; Abstract# OC8; Bordeaux, France; Mar 21-24, 2012. 23:S62, 2012]
  44. Keaveny TM, Maricic M, Kopperdahl D, Ruff V, Wan XH, Krohn K. Vertebral and femoral strength increased in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated with Teriparatide for 18 months. Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology and Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals; Abstract# 1099; Chicago, IL; Nov 4-9, 2011. [Arthritis Rheumatol, 63:S429, 2011]
  45. Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl D, Ruff V, Wan X, Krohn K. Increases in both vertebral and femoral strength in postmenopausal osteoporotic women after 18 months of treatment with teriparatide. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1204; San Diego, CA; Sep 16-20, 2011. [J Bone Miner Res, 26:S66, 2011]
  46. Genant HK, Zanchetta JR, Kendler D, Brown JP, Goemaere S, Recknor C, Brandi ML, Eastell R, Kopperdahl D, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Radcliffe HS, Libanati C, Keaveny T. Denosumab increases total, trabecular, and cortical estimated hip and spine strength in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Joint Meeting of the European Calcified Tissue Society/International Bone and Mineral Society; Athens, Greece; May 7-11, 2011. [Bone, 48:S86-S7, 2011]
  47. Genant H, J Zanchetta J, Kendler D, Brown J, Goemaere S, Recknor C, Brandi M, Eastell R, Kopperdahl D, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Radcliffe H, Libanati C, Keaveny T. Denosumab significantly improves total, trabecular, and cortical estimated strength at the hip and spine over the duration of the FREEDOM trial. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry; Miami, FL; Apr 6-9, 2011. [J Clin Densitom, 14:152-3, 2011]
  48. Kopperdahl DL, Hoffmann PF, Sigurdsson S, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Harris TB, Gudnason V, Keaveny TM. Enhancement of hip fracture prediction using finite element analysis of CT scans. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SA0300; Toronto, ON Canada; Oct 16-20, 2010. [J Bone Miner Res, 25:S114, 2010]
  49. Keaveny TM, Sanyal A, Marshall LM, Cawthon P, Palermo L, Ensrud KE, Orwoll ES, Black DM. Clinical vertebral fracture risk in older men using finite element analysis of CT scans. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1022; Toronto, ON Canada; Oct 15-19, 2010. [J Bone Miner Res, 25:S7, 2010]
  50. Keaveny TM, McClung M, Genant H, Zanchetta J, Kendler D, Brown JP, Goemaere S, Recknor C, Brandi ML, Eastell R, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Radcliffe H, Libanati C. Denosumab improves both femoral and vertebral strength in women with osteoporosis: results from the FREEDOM trial. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1099; Toronto, ON Canada; Oct 15-19, 2010. [J Bone Miner Res, 25:S31, 2010]
  51. Christiansen B, Kopperdahl D, Kiel D, Keaveny T. Contributions of cortical and trabecular bone to age-related declines in vertebral strength are not the same for men and women. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1241; Toronto, ON Canada; Oct 15-19, 2010. [J Bone Miner Res, 25:S73, 2010]
  52. Orwig D, Hochberg M, Chan J, Hawkes W, Resnik C, Kopperdahl D, Keaveny T, Magaziner J. Bone mass and bone strength in older men and women with hip fractures. IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis & 10th European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis; Abstract# P544; Florence, Italy; May 5-8, 2010. [Osteoporos Int, 21:224-5, 2010]
  53. Bogado C, Brown K, Keaveny T, Dempster D, Zanchetta J, Thomson D, Masiukiewicz U. Effects of 12 months treatment with Teriparatide on volumetric bone mineral density and structural parameters at the femoral neck assessed by quantitative computerized tomography in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis & 10th European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis; Abstract# P879; Florence, Italy; May 5-8, 2010. [Osteoporos Int, 21:375-6, 2010]
  54. Masiukiewicz U, Kopperdahl D, Bogado C, Zanchetta JR, Dempster D, Fosser C, Flower A, Tuthill T, Thompson D, Brown T, Fryburg D, Keaveny T. Temporal changes in bone strength during 12 months of treatment with teriparatide in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Annual Meeting of the Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1104; Denver, CO; Sep 11-15, 2009. [J Bone Miner Res, 24:S33, 2009]
  55. Hochberg M, Orwig D, Chan J, Hawkes W, Resnik C, Kopperdahl D, Keaveny T, Magaziner J. Bone mass and bone strength in older men and women with hip fractures. Annual Meeting of the Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SA0309; Denver, CO; Sep 11-15, 2009. [J Bone Miner Res, 24:S206, 2009]
  56. Genant H, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl D, Fuerst T, Engelke K, Dasic G, Fries M, Bolognese M, Lewiecki EM. Multivariate correlations of 12-month changes in femoral strength and QCT bone mineral content in osteoporotic women receiving once-monthly oral Ibandronate or placebo. Annual Meeting of the Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SA0357; Denver, CO; Sep 11-15, 2009. [J Bone Miner Res, 24:S215, 2009]
  57. Bogado C, Zanchetta J, Zhao H, Dempster D, Kohler T, Mueller R, Fosser C, Tuthill T, Brown T, Thompson D, Fryburg D, Keaveny T, Masiukiewicz U. Temporal effects of teriparatide on bone microarchitecture assesed by high resolution peripheral quantitative computerized tomography and paired bone biopsies in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1105; Denver, CO; Sep 11-15, 2009. [J Bone Miner Res, 24:S33, 2009]
  58. Amin S, Riggs BL, Keaveny TM, Achenbach S, Kopperdahl D, Camp J, Rouleau P, Atkinson E, Robb R, Therneau T, Khosla S, Melton JL. Relation of bone density and structure to vertebral deformities. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# FR0295; Denver, CO; Sep 11-15, 2009. [J Bone Miner Res, 24:S129, 2009]
  59. Roberts BJ, Kopperdahl DL, Thrall E, Muller JA, Keaveny TM, Bouxsein ML. Prediction of femoral strength in a sideways fall configuration using QCT-based finite element analysis. Joint Meeting of the International Bone & Mineral Society and the Australian & New Zealand Bone & Mineral Society; Sydney, Australia; Mar 21-25, 2009. [Bone, 44:S72, 2009]
  60. Christiansen BA, Kopperdahl DL, Valentine MJ, Roberts BJ, Keaveny TM, Bouxsein ML. Age-related differences in thoracic and lumbar vertebral bone density and strength assessed using QCT-based finite element analysis. Joint Meeting of the International Bone & Mineral Society and the Australian & New Zealand Bone & Mineral Society; Sydney, Australia; Mar 21-25, 2009. [Bone, 44:S71, 2009]
  61. Genant H, Keaveny T, Kopperdahl D, Fuerst T, Engelke K, Dasic G, Fries M, Bolognese M, Lewiecki E. Multivariate correlations between quantitative computed tomography parameters and femoral strength change over 12 months in osteoporotic postmenopausal women receiving ibandronate or placebo. Annual Meeting for the International Society for Clinical Denistometry; Orlando, FL; Mar 11-14, 2009. [J Clin Densitom, 12:400-1, 2009]
  62. Kivitz A, Keaveny T, Genant H, Engelke K, Fuerst T, Kopperdahl D, Fries M, Dasic G, Fitzpatrick L, Lewiecki E. QCT and FEA assessment of proximal femur bone quality and strength in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis receiving once-monthly oral ibandronate for 12 months. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SA509; Montréal, QC Canada; Sep 12-16, 2008. [J Bone Miner Res, 23:S230, 2008]
  63. Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl DL, Hoffmann PF, Amin S, Melton LJ, 3rd, Khosla S. Femoral strength, bone density, and aging in women and men. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1165; Montréal, QC Canada; Sep 12-16, 2008. [J Bone Miner Res, 23:S47, 2008]
  64. Keaveny T, Marshall L, Nielson C, Cummings S, Hoffmann P, Kopperdahl D, Orwoll E. Finite element analysis of proximal femur QCT scans for the assessment of hip fracture risk in older men. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# F321; Montréal, QC Canada; Sep 12-16, 2008. [J Bone Miner Res, 23:S112, 2008]
  65. Amin S, Kopperdahl D, Melton LJ, Atkinson E, Riggs BL, Keaveny T, Khosla S. Hip strength estimates by finite element analysis and fracture prediction in women and men. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1167; Montréal, QC Canada; Sep 12-16, 2008. [J Bone Miner Res, 23:S47, 2008]
  66. Lewiecki E, Keaveny T, Enslin M, Dasic G, Davies R, Kivitz A. Effects of once-monthly oral ibandronate on lumbar spine bone strength and quality assessed by volumetric quantitative computed tomography and finite element analysis. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry; Abstract# 103; San Francisco, CA; Mar 12-15, 2008. [J Clin Densitom, 11:448-9, 2008]
  67. Kivitz A, Keaveny T, Enslin M, Dasic G, Davies R, Lewiecki E. Once-monthly oral ibandronate effect on hip bone strength and quality assessed by volumetric quantitative computed tomography and finite element analysis in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry; Abstract# 100; San Francisco, CA; Mar 12-15, 2008. [J Clin Densitom, 11:448, 2008]
  68. Keaveny TM, Marshall LM, Nielson CM, Cummings SR, Hoffmann PF, Kopperdahl DL, Orwoll ES. Finite element analysis of proximal femur QCT scans for the assessment of hip fracture risk in older men. Annual Meeting of International Society for Clinical Densitometry; San Francisco, CA; Mar 12-15, 2008. [J Clin Densitom, 11:467-8, 2008]
  69. Prevrhal S, Keaveny TM, Reeder J, Hoffman PF, Orwoll ES. Testosterone therapy increases vertebral and hip strength via complex changes in bone mass and structure: A longitudinal study using QCT and finite element analysis in Costello syndrome. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# T476; Honolulu, HI; Sep 16-19, 2007. [J Bone Miner Res, 22:S351, 2007]
  70. Keaveny TM, Hoffmann PF, Koplerdahl DL, Donley DW, Krohn K, Glass EV, Mitlak BH. Comparison of the effects of teriparatide and alendronate on parameters of total hip strength as assessed by finite element analysis: results from the forteo and alendronate comparison trial. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1089; Honolulu, HI; Sep 16-19, 2007. [J Bone Miner Res, 22:S26, 2007]
  71. Keaveny TM, Donley DW, Hoffmann PF, Mitlak BH, Glass EV, Martin JA. Comparison of the effects of teriparatide and alendronate on parameters of vertebral strength as assessed by finite element analysis: Results from the forteo and alendronate comparison trial. International Symposium on Osteoporosis; Washington, DC; Apr 18-22, 2007. [Osteoporos Int, 17:S138, 2007]
  72. Melton LJ, Riggs BL, Keaveny TM, Achenbach SJ, Hoffmann PF, Rouleau PA, Bouxsein ML, Khosla S. Structural determinants of vertebral fracture risk. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1131; Philadelphia, PA; Sep 15-19, 2006. [J Bone Miner Res, 21:S36, 2006]
  73. Mawatari T, Miura H, Hamai S, Shuto T, Nakashima Y, Okazaki K, Hoffmann PF, Kinukawa N, Iwamoto Y, Keaveny TM. In vivo longitudinal evaluation of vertebral bone strength in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with alendronate by using finite element analysis of QCT scans. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# SU327; Philadelphia, PA; Sep 15-19, 2006. [J Bone Miner Res, 21:S288-S9, 2006]
  74. Keaveny TM, Hoffmann PF, Singh M, Palermo L, Bilezikian JP, Greenspan SL, Black DM. Femoral bone strength after two years of treatment of PTH, alendronate, or PTH plus alendronate: Finite element analysis of the PaTH study. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1159; Philadelphia, PA; Sep 15-19, 2006. [J Bone Miner Res, 21:S43, 2006]
  75. Keaveny TM, San Martin JA, Hoffmann PF, Donley DW, Glass EV, Mitlak BM. Comparison of the effects of teriparatide and alendronate on parameters of vertebral strength as assessed by finite element analysis: results from the Forteo and alendronate comparison trial. IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis; Toronto, ON Canada; Jun 2-6, 2006. [Osteoporos Int, 17:S1, 2006]
  76. Keaveny T, Donley D, Hoffmann P, Mitlak B, Glass J, San Martin J. Comparison of teriparatide and alendronate on vertebral strength as assessed by biomechanical computed tomography. European Symposium on Calcified Tissues; Abstract# OC041; Prague, Czech Republic; May 10-14, 2006. [Calcif Tissue Int, 78:S1, 2006]
  77. Bouxsein ML, Black DM, Muller J, Bilezikian J, Greenspan S, Ensrud K, Palermo L, Crawford PM, Rosen CJ, Keaveny TM. Combining biomechanical measures of vertebral strength with estimates of spinal loading to assess the effects of osteoporosis therapies on vertebral fracture: a pilot study in PaTH. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# M411; Nashville, TN; Sep 23-27, 2005. [J Bone Miner Res, 20:S411, 2005]
  78. Black DM, Crawford RP, Palermo L, Bilezikian JP, Greenspan S, Keaveny TM. Finite element biomechanical analysis of the PTH and alendronate (PaTH) study: PTH increases vertebral strength by altering both average density and density distribution. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; Abstract# 1056; Nashville, TN; Sep 23-27, 2005. [J Bone Miner Res, 20:S15-S6, 2005]