
A New Paradigm
Having a very low value of bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip or spine is one of the defining features of osteoporosis. However, the majority of patients who suffer a fragility fracture do not have BMD-defined osteoporosis. Addressing this issue, the VirtuOst BCT test (BCT = Biomechanical Computed Tomography analysis) goes beyond BMD by providing CT-based measurements of both BMD and bone strength. This test enables patients at high risk of fracture to be identified on the basis of having either BMD-defined osteoporosis or fragile bone strength, the latter capturing a subset of high-risk patients with osteopenia (low, but not very low BMD). In addition, the VirtuOst VFA test (Vertebral Fracture Assessment) enables patients at high risk of fracture to be identified on the basis of having an existing vertebral fracture. Learn more about moving beyond BMD.

Clinical Decision Making
Following the practice guidelines of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry, and as cleared by the FDA, a patient identified as having either osteoporosis or fragile bone strength by BCT can be considered for pharmacologic or other treatment. Confirmation by DXA is not required. In addition, following the practice guidelines of the Endocrine Society, a patient testing positive by both BCT and VFA can be considered for anabolic treatment. Learn more about the VirtuOst measurements.

Convenient and Cost-Effective
The VirtuOst BCT and VFA tests can be applied as an add-on analysis to most types of clinical CT exams that contain the hip and/or spine, regardless of the indication for the original CT scan. Simply send the patient's CT scan to O.N. Diagnostics and receive back results within a week; results are typically returned within 1–2 days after the CT scan is received. Learn more about how the VirtuOst test is convenient and cost-effective for patients and health care providers.

Ordering VirtuOst
BCT and the combined test BCT with VFA are reimbursed by Medicare if considered reasonable and necessary for the patient’s care. Coverage by private insurance will depend on the patient's plan. Learn more about how to order VirtuOst.